Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Has any one noticed?
- Bush thinks he is above the law and can order wire tap surveillance against Americans (so-called "Domestic Terrorism") withOUT a court ordered search warrant. These illegal wire taps are counter to both the US Constitution and the Foreign intelligence surveillance Act.
- Bush & company LIED --including sins of omission of crucial information--to both Congress & the American people, to violate international law and convention by pre-emptive attacking another sovereign state (Iraq). Saddam Hussein, as the Butcher of Baghdad, was a cruel dictator (as are SO many others), BUT he was NOT involved in "the War on Terrorism."
- Ever wonder how the first US Patriot Act was ready to be passed in such short notice after 9/11? It was waiting in the wings, courtesy of John Ashcroft & the so-called Justice Department, who wanted more power to police Americans. Supposedly, the act has been used against environmental activists who perform act of eco-terrorism such as the Earth Liberation Front (ELF).
- Oh, and those prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay (on our naval base there), which this administration does not consider to be prisoners of war, and thus, the Geneva Conventions nor the US Constitution applies to them. Not only does this administration parse its terms how ever it wants (the "war on terrorism" does not yield "prisoners of war") but forgets that all US military bases are considered US soil.
- The administrations parsing of the term "torture" which is torture by any other name; and the use of torture. . .
And, I am not mentioning the sorry state of domestic policy--unfunded mandates such as No Child Left Behind, which unfortunately does nothing to educate and teach critical thinking skills, just memorization; the failure of FEMA; the lack of sufficient funding that might have prevented the loss of New Orleans; the failure to implement the basic necessities that would allow first responders to communicate with each other . . . All the while saying the economy is improving while more companies are laying off workers (and if we don't count the people who are no longer collecting unemployment, but are either underemployed or haven't found jobs--well then the picture is rosier).
Other Presidents have been impeached for a LOT less...
And, may I refer you all to the Declaration of Independence...